
Our Transfemme campaign aims to help end cisgender men’s violence against trans women and trans feminine people.

The Transfemme website is a collection of stories, tips and resources based on lived experience to support healthier relationships between cisgender men and trans women and trans feminine people. There are resources for:

  • Trans women and trans feminine people
  • Cisgender men
  • Family and friends.

Transfemme does not receive ongoing funding. You can help end violence against trans women by donating to our Transfemme campaign.

Stories, tips and resources to support healthier relationships between trans women and men.

Visit to access resources and download tip sheets, or learn more about the project here >

Transfemme practice guide

Responding to the objectification, fetishisation and sexual exploitation of trans women and trans feminine people by cisgender men.

Download the Transfemme Practice Guide for Professionals >

Transfemme training

ZBGC offers training for professionals on Transfemme. This training provides an in-depth exploration of cis men’s violence towards trans women and trans feminine people in intimate partner relationships.
Find out more about our Transfemme training sessions >