Legal Services and Complaint Pathways

Victoria Legal Aid
Phone from 9 am to 5 pm weekdays for free information and help about the law. Victoria Legal Aid has 13 offices across Victoria.
Speak to VLA in your language >
Find an office near you >
1300 792 387

Fitzroy Legal Service
Fitzroy Legal Service runs an LGBTIQA+ family law legal advice clinic on the first Wednesday of each month. An appointment is required. This clinic can assist individuals from the LGBTIQA+ community with family law matters only.
(03) 9419 3744

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
VEOHRC is an independent statutory body with responsibilities under three laws:

Contact VEOHRC via live chat weekdays 9.30am to 4.30pm

Human Rights Law Centre
The Human Rights Law Centre uses strategic legal action, policy solutions and advocacy to support people and communities to eliminate inequality and injustice. HRLC does not provide legal help to members of the public directly.
(03) 8636 4450

Australian Human Rights Commission
AHRC conciliates discrimination complaints, holds public inquiries and develops education resources for schools and workplaces. They provide legal advice to courts, make submissions to parliaments and governments, and initiate research into human rights and discrimination issues.
People who experience discrimination can complain to the Commission >
1300 656 419

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
AHPRA works with the 15 National Boards to help protect the public by regulating Australia’s registered health practitioners.
1300 419 495

Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
MHCC is an independent, specialist body established under the Mental Health Act 2014 to safeguard rights, resolve complaints about Victorian public mental health services and recommend improvements.
1800 246 054
(03) 9032 3328

Health Complaints Commissioner
HCC resolves complaints about healthcare and the handling of health information in Victoria. Open 9am – 5pm weekdays.
1300 582 113