Guidelines, Policies and Practice Manuals
Changing Names & Gender Markers
Australian Government Guidelines on Recognition of Sex & Gender
Updated in 2015, the Guidelines support legal protections against discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and intersex status in Commonwealth anti-discrimination law (proforma to legally change gender markers is attached at the end).
Changing your birth certificate
Information from Transgender Victoria (TGV) about Birth Certificate Reform, which passed in Victoria in August 2019.
A guide to support a student affirm their gender at school
A Safe Schools Coalition Australia step-by-step guide for schools supporting TGD students.
A guide to supporting trans students at school
In 2015 Twenty10 and ACON NSW worked with TransHub to update this resource for school and education communities.
Transcend’s Student Gender Affirmation Plan
This plan can be used by schools to ensure that the needs of TGD students who are affirming their gender identity in school are addressed and appropriate supports are provided.
Transcend’s Guide for Schools
This guide provides key information and support for schools and other support workers in providing inclusive and appropriate support for TGDNB young people at school.
Rainbow parents trans and gender diverse parents guide
In 2015 Twenty10 and ACON NSW worked with TransHub to update this resource for school and education communities.
Addressing Discrimination
Justice Connect Dealing With Discrimination and Transphobia Guidelines
Produced in August 2019, this fact sheet answers questions TGD young people and their families in Victoria have about discrimination and their rights.
Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse People in the Workplace Policy
An example of a policy to support trans and gender diverse people in the workplace from Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, produced in 2018.
Guideline: Transgender people at work – Complying with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 in employment
Produced by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission in May 2013. Supplementary materials including information to help develop a transition plan for transgender workers, are available to download.
Sexual Assault/Family Violence
Supporting LGBTI survivors of sexual assault
Produced in 2016 by Rape Crisis Scotland.
Guideline for family violence services complying with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010
Produced in 2017 by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, targeted toward family violence services that provide crisis response and recovery services and accommodation.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Policy and Practice Recommendations for Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Service Providers supporting the Trans and Gender Diverse (TGD) Community
This guide, developed by VAC (Thorne Harbour Health) in partnership with VAADA in 2017 is designed to help services provide safe, positive care and support to TGD people who may benefit from residential AOD treatment services.
LGBTI Housing & Homelessness Projects
Collaborative research and co-designed projects addressing housing and homelessness in the LGBTIQA+ community. The work began in January 2016, initiated by The Gay And Lesbian Foundation Of Australia – now Pride Foundation Australia. Projects are currently based at the Department Of General Practice, University Of Melbourne.
Trans and gender diverse homeless project pilot model of care & audit tool
A training resource for service providers to TGD people who are experiencing, or are at risk of homelessness in Victoria. Prepared by A/Prof. Ruth McNair & Dr Cal Andrews, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne, updated in 2018.
LGBTI Homelessness Project Final Report
This 2017 Victorian report aims to: Identify contributors and pathways into and out of homelessness for LGBTIQ people; Investigate their experiences of homelessness service provision; Examine best practice to ensure homelessness services are LGBTIQ inclusive.
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Practice Guide for Homelessness and Housing Sectors in Australia
A series of national LGBTIQA+ best practice guidelines and factsheets for services working with in the homelessness and housing sector in Australia.
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission trans and gender diverse in sport
Update of the Commission’s 2015 Guideline: Transgender people and sport. It outlines obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act regarding discrimination against trans and gender diverse people in sport.